A Structural Review of the Main Topics of Srimad-Bhagavatam. Lecture 17

01 мая 2021
Длительность: 2:14:46

The main purpose of this seminar is to give you some tools to understand the flow of "Srimad-Bhagavatam", and ultimately we will be able to apply this in our life because "Srimad-Bhagavatam" is a practical book.

We need this analysis of "Srimad-Bhagavatam" to be able to concentrate fully on the worship of Sri Krisna as the highest manifestation of the Absolute truth. We need to be concentrated on "Srimad-Bhagavatam", on the Holy name, but for that we need the proper intellectual understanding of "Srimad-Bhagavatam" which will help us to become absorbed in the chanting of the Holy name and studying "Srimad-Bhagavatam", and not to be distracted by different ideas. The whole "Srimad-Bhagavatam" is written for us to understand rasa-lila.

Nine distractions to our journey to the Supreme Lord: 1) vyadhi or disease, the slightest discomfort in our body distracts our mind; 2) sthyana means thick and sticky, in this condition chanting one round may take two hours; 3) samsaya or doubt; 4) pramada or inattentiveness and negligence; 5) alasya or laziness; 6) avirati or attraction to something else; 7) branti darsana or wrong philosophy; 8) alabha bhumikatva or inability to reach the certain platform; 9) anavasthitattva means even if we reach some stage we can not stay on this stage.

These distractions may become an obstacle, but we can choose not to be distracted by this distraction. To overcome these distractions we need to train our mind to concentrate on eka tattva – there is only one truth and this is Krisna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. And sambandha jnana can help us to concentrate on this. First we have to develop strong sastriya sraddha and not be satisfied with the level of sraddha which we have. The proper sraddha should be created by studying "Srimad-Bhagavatam".

We are following rules and regulations to invoke the emotional connection with the Lord, His associates and the Holy name. We will be able to understand the message of "Srimad-Bhagavatam" which is rasa or relationship with Krisna, especially in the tenth Canto, if we understand that there is nothing higher than Krisna Himself. Krisna is the source of all other forms of Bhagavan, and He Himself does not have any source.

Six different statements: 1) sruti or direct statement; 2) linga or inferential statement; 3) vakhya or the syntax; 4) prakarana or context; 5) sthana or the particular order of the words in the statement; 6) samakhya or derivation of the name. Among different sutras there is paribhasa sutra, it’s the sutra which defines the rule that was not established.

All forms of Bhagavan are visnu-tattva but they display different amounts of energy and love, they are not a complete manifestation, only Krisna is the most perfect manifestation, especially Krisna in Vrindavan. And we should develop a relationship with Him. Krisna is the subject matter of all major dialogues in "Srimad-Bhagavatam".

There is nothing more important than chanting the Holy name and reading "Srimad-Bhagavatam", especially 10th Сanto and in the 10th Сanto especially rasa-lila, then we will be able to understand the inner purport and we will never mix it with the gross sexual reflection of this pastime in this material world.


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A Structural Review of the Main Topics of Srimad-Bhagavatam