30 марта 2021 | Bangalore |
Длительность: 0:48:55

Chanting is not just a ritual, but a science, which has a very deep understanding behind this practice.

Our mind tries to enjoy, therefore it’s always disturbed. Peacefulness of the mind is the foundation of our happiness. There are movements that teach how not to think at all, but this practice is very difficult and it does not give a permanent solution.

Meditation is very important but meditation without an object is very difficult. Japa meditation is the biggest sacrifice which we can perform. As soon as the mind goes somewhere we should bring it back. We should be pure. As a result we will feel peacefulness of the mind, mind becomes pure, and the reflection of God comes itself. Chanting is the possibility to speak with Krisna, we should not speak with anybody else. While chanting we should think about Krisna, but for that we should know "Srimad-Bhagavatam". "Srimad-Bhagavatam" is an explanation of who is God, by meditating on Him we will be happy.

We should chant in a peaceful way, not to be in a hurry, otherwise you cheat yourself. We should not expect that results will come very quickly, we should be patient.


Why should we count on japa-beads?

We have a very fruitive mentality, therefore we always count something. To use this tendency we count mantra, and we have the sense of achievement. Moreover when you count it gives you stability and responsibility in relationship with the Holy name.