06 марта 2021
Длительность: 1:25:23

The first nine cantos of "Srimad-Bhagavatam" prepare us by clearing different difficulties and the first canto is explaining how we should hear "Srimad-Bhagavatam" and what is the purpose of hearing it. Second canto goes into more details, explaining the history of the book. Third canto describes sarga, primary creation, and the fourth canto describes visarga, secondary creation. The Third and Fourth cantos are very important, they deal with the initial attitude that every conditioned soul has.

Sarga explains that material nature comes from the Lord, therefore I have no right to enjoy it. But even religious people think that God created this world for me to enjoy. The Third canto explains that the purpose of this creation is not to facilitate our enjoyment, but to liberate us from the spirit of enjoyment and help us understand the meaning of life.

Fourth canto refutes the misconception of karma. Even the Vedic way of life, which we call karma-kanda rituals, will not make you happy. Sthanam or structure of this universe is the topic of the Fifth canto. The message of the 5-th canto is that you should externally follow your nature, because this nature is established by God. The purpose of respecting the laws of God is to develop internal freedom, which will give you some facilities for spiritual development.

The example of Maharaja Agnidra is given here to show the power of lust. Therefore the marriage institute and so many precautions are there to control lust. People become attractive when they do austerity. If you want to achieve anything in this world, austerity is the key.

For creation to take place, Lord`s desire turns into Lord Shiva or Sambhu, who is the master of false ego. He impregnates material nature with spirit souls. So we are all born with ahankara, the spirit of independence, and the manifestation of this independence is sexual desire. If this energy is not controlled, it totally covers our tendency to serve.

We have two tendencies: to enjoy independently and to serve the Lord. Sexual desire is the perverted reflection of our attraction to the Supreme Lord. Ten stages of developing so-called love in the material world: 1) attraction through the eyes; 2) attachment of the mind; 3) determination; 4) sleep loss; 5) one becomes emaciated; 6) loss of interest in other things; 7) loss of shame; 8) madness; 9) loss of consciousness; 10) death.

We should be very chaste and try not to enter into these useless games that spoil our heart, mind and our chance to achieve the Supreme Lord.